07 December 2009

New changes

Alright then.

So its been like, iunno several months?
So i thought i might as well make everything different.

This site used to be jdthemusicman.blogspot.com
And in case you haven't noticed, the whole blog looks different too :D

So, yeah from now on I'm gonna try update this as much as i can
I also used to fill this blog full of useless crap =P
So starting from this post I'm gonna actually put stuff that has some meaning.


yeah, you read it right, my memories.
i have a habit of doing stuff and then forgetting them several years later.
Come on, dont tell me you dont do it too.
So after a week or so, or probably when i do something really fun, you're gonna see it here.
Kevin's party is coming tomorrow, so you can bet your ass its gonna be here, along with a whole lot of pics

As always, if anyone needs anything, feel free to leave a comment, rate, and subscribe :D
oh, wait no that's youtube
Feel free to just leave a comment down in that little box down there


  1. lol jd, for all this time you mean you haven't posted anything that has a meaning? xD lolol

  2. @McVinnie,
    yeah xP look at all the previous posts then :P
    aaaaalll bullshit -.-
