12 December 2009

Kevin's Bday 2009

Alright I forgot but meh, that's me

So Kevin's bday uh.. well, it was fun :P of course.
I had to come a bit late though (sorry Kev) but hey I came :D
I'd put pictures, but they take too long to put up, thanks to my lousy internet.

Anyways I'm gonna do things like this:
Kev's Birthday 2009 – ★★★★★

It was awesome really. There was a bouncer which, I haven't been on in a LONG time :P enjoyed that a lot.

Kevin's bouncer

And PIZZA. There was PIZZA there :DD all from Pizza Hut.

There were uh.. 10? or 11 people there including me.
There would've been more but Jiayi had tuition, and Azib and Qilaa had another party :S and I don't know why or how but Ihsan managed to get lost completely.
And a whole lot of other people had more problems.

So, yeah overall, great party Kevin and invite me back again next year :D

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