15 December 2009

My thoughts on tumblr so far

Hey guys, its been a while.
Mostly cause, well I've joined tumblr recently, and I've been posting a couple things over there, and checking things out y'know?
So far, I think tumblr is awesome.
Some of the themes are beautiful, and if you really know your stuff you can actually go make your own.
I suck at all that html stuff so, yeah =P

Besides that, you can post a lot of things besides just text.
I haven't tried uploading photos or videos YET, but I will soon.

12 December 2009

My Review on: Twitter – ★★★☆☆

I give it three stars cause, well, its kind of boring.
Unlike Facebook, you can't like statuses or comment on them.

It IS good however, cause it loads up really fast.
Probably because it doesn't have chat and a whole lot of other features.

Twitter is only good IF you have a lot of friends actually using it.
Unfortunately, I don't cause, like me, everyone thinks its boring.

But for some reason, tweeting is addicting :S don't really know why.
But I'd rather stick to Facebook.

So overall, Twitter is an okay site, i just don't really know why everyone likes it.

Kevin's Bday 2009

Alright I forgot but meh, that's me

So Kevin's bday uh.. well, it was fun :P of course.
I had to come a bit late though (sorry Kev) but hey I came :D
I'd put pictures, but they take too long to put up, thanks to my lousy internet.

Anyways I'm gonna do things like this:
Kev's Birthday 2009 – ★★★★★

It was awesome really. There was a bouncer which, I haven't been on in a LONG time :P enjoyed that a lot.

Kevin's bouncer

And PIZZA. There was PIZZA there :DD all from Pizza Hut.

There were uh.. 10? or 11 people there including me.
There would've been more but Jiayi had tuition, and Azib and Qilaa had another party :S and I don't know why or how but Ihsan managed to get lost completely.
And a whole lot of other people had more problems.

So, yeah overall, great party Kevin and invite me back again next year :D

07 December 2009

New changes

Alright then.

So its been like, iunno several months?
So i thought i might as well make everything different.

This site used to be jdthemusicman.blogspot.com
And in case you haven't noticed, the whole blog looks different too :D

So, yeah from now on I'm gonna try update this as much as i can
I also used to fill this blog full of useless crap =P
So starting from this post I'm gonna actually put stuff that has some meaning.


yeah, you read it right, my memories.
i have a habit of doing stuff and then forgetting them several years later.
Come on, dont tell me you dont do it too.
So after a week or so, or probably when i do something really fun, you're gonna see it here.
Kevin's party is coming tomorrow, so you can bet your ass its gonna be here, along with a whole lot of pics

As always, if anyone needs anything, feel free to leave a comment, rate, and subscribe :D
oh, wait no that's youtube
Feel free to just leave a comment down in that little box down there

06 December 2009


Last post was all the way back in may?? SERIOUSLY?
haha thats like... what, 6?7 months?

anyways, wow, 7 months, so many changes
i joined all kinds of stuff like facebook (Justin Daniel Yong) and twitter (playitloud95)
and then i started to get addicted to this -> =P
got an ipod touch, so anyone out there with one lemme know cus its boring with just one itouch :P

so, yeah to anyone who's actually reading, you might see a huge change here

28 May 2009


hey guys, its been awhile i know...
hey at least im doing sumthin now.
anyways don't expect anything for the next week cuz i got my mid- years to do... DAMN

as always love is in the air. wanna know why i said that?
i'll let ya know some other time. LOL
another thing: as soon as i figure out how... imma put games here.
umm... post sumthin in the c-box if i forgot to mention anything.

btw... drop by this site: mcvinnie-artblog.blogspot.com .
its full of great art by mcvinnie.

22 April 2009

long time no see

hey guys.
i know... haven't put up ANYTHING for along time... so what?!

aaanyways got a jogathon comin' up saturday... n im feelin LAZY. dun wanna jog... rather stay at school 4 the drinks.
too much happened the past weeks... most of the time boring stuff or torture...
now i have a bad cough after a high fever... WHEN DOES THE PAIN END?
i know... when i die.
anyways my frens n i are makin some videos... or trying to.

26 March 2009


hey guys.
like the title of this post...
if you're wondering why im screaming like crazy... ITS CUZ I ONLY HAVE 3 DAYS OF HOLIDAYS LEFT!!!!!!! -sobs-
its unbelieveable how quickly the holidays can pass by...
other than that...
if you haven't noticed by now... i added a brand new blog today, which belongs to ym good friend qilah and her best friend laila.

anyways the next time anybody's gonna hear from me here is probably next friday, CUZ OF SCHOOL!!!!


23 March 2009


can anybody pls tell me wut the yellow guy is sayin???


hey guys

i love holidays... but the only thing bad about it is... its boring.
well, it is for me.
a bunch of my friends are overseas rite now, while im stick here in boring old brunei... damn.
other than that... my aunt from Australia is here visiting, n she brought some really delicious fruits!
dunno why, but when my family visits from overseas its durian season...

