26 March 2009


hey guys.
like the title of this post...
if you're wondering why im screaming like crazy... ITS CUZ I ONLY HAVE 3 DAYS OF HOLIDAYS LEFT!!!!!!! -sobs-
its unbelieveable how quickly the holidays can pass by...
other than that...
if you haven't noticed by now... i added a brand new blog today, which belongs to ym good friend qilah and her best friend laila.

anyways the next time anybody's gonna hear from me here is probably next friday, CUZ OF SCHOOL!!!!


23 March 2009


can anybody pls tell me wut the yellow guy is sayin???


hey guys

i love holidays... but the only thing bad about it is... its boring.
well, it is for me.
a bunch of my friends are overseas rite now, while im stick here in boring old brunei... damn.
other than that... my aunt from Australia is here visiting, n she brought some really delicious fruits!
dunno why, but when my family visits from overseas its durian season...



20 March 2009



i'm finally free!!!!
bad news is its only heaven for 10 days... but who cares!?!
try lookin for me on facebook if u want, i just made an account few weeks ago.
anyways i'll be online 24/7 if anyone needs me.
by the way, if you have any problems i can help out, i'm like a therapist...
friends are free of charge.

gotta go to escapade sushi!!!

14 March 2009


had a test today... damned commerce!
why do we do commerce if we dun wanna be an accountant or somethin'?!
anyways i'll probably pass, but my parents wont be very happy with 60%...
in other matters... life goes on as it should be... unfortunately that means i'll be havin' a rough time...
if anyone can help me get away from bein' depressed, HELP ME.
-sigh-... goin' to bandar today... damn.
i just wanna stay home and play, chat n stuff...

anyways, bye

13 March 2009

enuf bout me, lookit my frens blogs!

u knw, most people will usually talk about themselves or anything related to them...
this time, im gonna ask u to check out some people's blogs.
not just any people, they're my friends.
Of course i still want u guys to check out this blog, but check out my friends blogs too, just for the heck of it.
I'll be leaving links on this site to their blogs somtime soon.
by the way, dont judge them cuz if they dont hav alot on their blogs...we all just became teenagers.
if i find any new blogs from my friends, i'll let u guys know, and the link will be with the rest of them.

so long, and try to make the best out of your life, you only get one.

12 March 2009

a little poem for you

here's a poem for u guys to read...

The Dream
Whisper in the yard, turn the trees into toys.
Lay there on the ground, and turn the dirt into your joy.
From what I see and what I know, it's all been boring lately.
So I suggest we trade a question mark in for a maybe.
Time your riddles right, and make a point that has no sense.
Make sure that you're smiling, and the money's been well spent.
Innocence and ignorance, it all goes hand in hand.
I'm not sure that I'm right, but I hope you'll understand.
I hope that you're still searching for the start that has no end.
And all the plastic people have now become your friends.
Before you start to drift and your soul begins to scream,
I just wanted to tell you that you're listening to a dream.

A little creepy, but what the heck!

01 March 2009

if youre wondering how or where i got so many pics,
like the 'musicman'...
i have a friend who loves to make these pics.
he can make using hand or computer.
if you're interested... feel free to ask and i'll see what i can do


JD here. obviously this is the first entry in my blog...
I've had experience blogging... just not here.
just so u know, JD stands for Justin Daniel.
I'm a slightly lazy guy... so don't expect a lot of posts here.